Meet Dr. T (Ph.D) - Local Melbourne Clinical Hypnotherapist

About your local Melbourne Clinical Hypnotherapist & Hypnotist Doctor - Dr. T

Dr. T aka Dr. Houng Taing, Ph.D (Biomedical Science),
Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy

Welcome! I am Dr. Houng Taing. I am the founder of Dr. T Hypnotherapy. I look forward to providing you an amazing experience to release your limiting beliefs and creating a better future for you through accessing your greatest potential.


After completing my Ph.D and working as a medical researcher in the field of Immunology and cancer. I felt there was still a gap in our understanding of the human body and how dis-ease manifests itself.

If there was one thing I learned from my experience in the biomedical field. It was the importance and understanding of balance and homeostasis.

The most basic definition for cancer is the ‘dysregulation of normal biological functions’. With the emphasis on ‘normal’ biological functions. I always queried how we transitioned from ‘normal’ to ‘dysregulated’.

From my studies I learned and realised how our bodies, our cells, and our chemical signals all worked in synergy under a homeostatic balance. If that delicate balance was disrupted, it would lead to dysregulation of normal functions and the potential for the on-set of disease.

This posed more questions, if we can disrupt this delicate balance to manifest disease. Therefore we must be able to promote repair and balance toward normal biological functions. Ultimately, leading to a more regulated and balanced system between the mind and body.

I eventually left research because I felt there was more to learn and understand. In other words, there was more to the basic idea of biological and genetic factors being the main source of producing disease.

Through my own personal tragedies and experiences. I continued my journey to discover more about the mind and its affects on the human body and its role in disease. When I came across clinical hypnotherapy, my experiences opened my eyes to see one of the many crucial pieces in understanding the connection between the human body and disease.

My intention is to provide and serve a holistic and integrative approach (together with biomedical sciences, medical intuition and Hypnoenergetics®) of clinical hypnotherapy. And foster the many beneficial benefits of hypnotherapy for your health and well-being.

More about your local Melbourne hypnotherapist

  • I am a big believer in holistic methods. Coming from a medical research background in Cancer and Immunology. The immune system demonstrated how complex our mind, bodies and biological systems really are. But at the same time how integrated and inter-connected our organs, immune system truly are when it comes to understanding dis-ease and balance.

    Even though I am a qualified hypnotherapist, my training and experience from medical research has allowed me to imagine and visualise the human body as a intricate and complex biological system. In other words everything is connected and nothing is separate.

    Due to my holistic approach I also combine and take on board other tools that include:

    • Gestalt Therapy,

    • Hypnoenergetics®

    • Ericksonian Hypnotherapy,

    • Regression Therapy,

    • Breathwork (Pranayama)

    • Muscle Testing (Kinesiology tools)

    • Medical Intuition and Vibrational Medicine (Incorporating intuitive communication, energy healing, sound healing and crystal healing)

    With this holistic methodology I believe, it provides a more powerful method of helping you become more grounded, more balanced and providing you with a more solid foundation for healing, recovery and most importantly to overcome your struggles.

  • As hypnotherapists, it is important to know that you as my client are entering into a safe space, and that everything that is discussed comes from a place of authenticity and respect.

    My mission statement follows very closely with the core values of Hypnoenergetics®:

    Authenticity - To help you discover and embrace who you are and who you are meant to be

    Openness - To provide you with an environment built on trust, diversity and safety

    Integrity - To assist and work with you under ethical values and standards i.e. honesty, truthfulness & respect

    Service - To teach, support and guide in service to you the client/individual

    Courage - To learn and grow courageously through personal transformation

    Respect - To honour and accept every person and the wisdom and knowledge they share.

  • Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Hypnoenergetics® Academy.
 Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA) Accredited.

    Certified Hypnoenergetics® Practitioner, Hypnoenergetics® Academy.

    Medical Intuitive in Vibrational Medicine & Intuitive Communication, Sanctuary of the Heart.
 International Energy Healing Association (IEHA) Accredited.

    Ph.D in Biomedical Science (Immunology and Cancer), University of Adelaide.

    • My project focused on inflammation, skin cancer biology, cell biology, extracellular matrix biology, blood and lymphatic vascular biology, and immunology.

    Bachelor of Health Science (Honours in Medicine), University of Adelaide.

    Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science), University of Adelaide.

  • I have published in many co-author papers over the time during my Ph.D.

    Broughton SE, Hercus TR, Nero TL, Dottore M, McClure BJ, Dhagat U, Taing H, Gorman MA, Lopez AF, Parker MW. Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances, The GM-CSF receptor - mechanisms for affinity conversion and signalling. 73(a2):C1279-C1279. doi: 10.1107/S205327331708295X. (2017).

    Zhu W, Lokman N, Neubauer H, Davies L, Gliddon B, Taing H, Moretti P, Oehler M, Pitman M, and Pitson S. CIB2 negatively regulates oncogenic signaling in ovarian cancer via sphingosine kinase 1. Cancer Res. 2017 Sep 15;77(18):4823-4834.

    Broughton SE, Hercus TR, Nero TL, Dottore M, McClure BJ, Dhagat U, Taing H, Gorman MA, King-Scott J, Lopez AF, Parker MW. Structure, Conformational changes in the GM-CSF receptor suggest a molecular mechanism for affinity conversion and receptor signalling. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2016.05.017. (2016).

    Broughton SE, Hercus TR, Nero TL, Dhagat U, Dottore M, McClure BJ,, Taing H, Lopez AF, Parker MW. Cytokine - Conference: 2nd Annual Meeting of the International-Cytokine-and-Interferon-Society, vol 70. Structural and functional analysis of the GM-CSF:GM-CSF receptor alpha chain binary complex provide new insights into signalling of the GM-CSF ternary complex. DOI: 10.1016/j.cyto.2014.07.024. (2014).

    Yip KH, Kolesnikoff N, Yu C, Hauschild N, Taing H, Biggs L, Goltzman D, Gergory PA, Anderson PH, Samuel MS, Galli SJ, Lopez AF, Grimbaldeston MA. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Mechanisms of vitamin D3 metabolite repression of IgE-dependent mast cell activation. doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2013.11.030. (2013).

    Grimbaldeston MA, Yu C, Yip KH, Taing H, Kolesnikoff, Biggs L, Lopez AF. Wound Repair and Regeneration. Mast cells and vitamin D3: A ‘D’-lightful regulatory interaction. 20(5):A58-A58. (2012).

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