Stress Management with Hypnotherapy Melbourne - Embrace & Understand Your Fight/Flight Response

Do you feel stressed from work and everyday life? Stress can be both beneficial but also detrimental, depending on the circumstances. It can help by preparing your flight or fight response, giving you the adrenaline boost you need to increase performance, protect yourself with survival instincts and be more focussed on specific tasks. However, if you’re a chronic sufferer, it can contribute to both physical illness and emotional issues.

Hypnosis for stress can offer anxiety and stress relief by relaxing the mind of stressed individuals with hypnotic inductions. This in turn can promote physical relaxation and reduce stress symptoms. Which include heightened arousal, overwhelm and irritability. It can also help manage physical stress symptoms, like headaches, sore necks, migraines.

Without support or coping strategies, it can lead to mental health conditions including: anxiety, depression, phobias and self-esteem issues. This could also cultivate physical health issues like sleep disruption (insomnia), anger and relationship breakdowns.

When under stressful conditions, the fight or flight response is responsible for certain physical symptoms in your body. Notably, an increase in your heart rate, heightened senses and a rush of adrenaline and cortisol throughout your body. All of which can be beneficial for a period of time, especially if you in a survival situation. But, too much of a ‘good' thing can also be a bad thing. If the body immune system is overstimulated, the stress response can impair cognitive brain function affect your moodiness and even lead to significant problems like risk of heart disease, diabetes and even impair your immunity.

Is stress relief hypnosis right for me?

Have you tried other treatments or methods to manage stress and didn't work? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, perhaps you're in the right place!

  • Are you easily agitated or frustrated?

  • Do you feel a heaviness in your chest?

  • Are you feeling pains and aches in your neck, back, shoulders?

  • Do you find you are grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw more often?

  • Are you feeling fatigued, anxious or even depressed?

  • Do you feel stressed about issues like weight gain, binge eating, body image?

  • Do you encounter events or people that trigger stress and subsequently lead to more anxiety?

Are you looking for a non-invasive effective treatment? Hypnotherapy can help not only manage but embrace your stress and anxiety in the most healthy way possible. Reach out to find out more.

Does clinical hypnosis work to manage stress?

Stress typically originates from our negative thoughts or life experiences from past events. Due to the way the subconscious mind works, it aims to protect us from threats, by placing us in the fight/flight response. If you're unable to manage stressful events appropriately, your unhealthy coping response (that kept you safe) is archived in the subconscious mind to protect you. With hypnotherapy, deep relaxation techniques are used to help calm your brain waves and open you up to more positive suggestions, while also providing access to your subconscious mind.

It is here in in the subconscious, where stress hypnotherapy works to identify the underlying root cause of the stress. Hence, once under a state of relaxation, you will be more open to suggestion and be guided to the subconscious and it's programming for the benefit of physical health and managing stress.

The subconscious is a very powerful part of your consciousness. It processes 90% of your involuntary actions compared to the conscious mind that is responsible for rationalising and logical thinking. The subconscious stores your beliefs, values, memories and past experiences. It also holds all experiences including those that have been hidden from traumatic experiences and purposely forgotten.

Through these memories and significant everyday life experiences holds and forms the essence of your beliefs and behaviours. Essentially, this is where the biggest fears, limiting beliefs and greatest potential lie.

By treating the stress at the subconscious level, we are observing the source of the issues that’s causing those situations, evoking thoughts, pressures or limiting beliefs.

This offers a chance to breakdown those feelings, negative thoughts, mental images, and personal experiences. Release them and cultivate healthier conditions with hypnotic suggestions. This will allow your anxiety and stress responses to be more manageable, particularly during stressful events that may create potential triggers that increase your stress levels. This can ease stress and anxiety responses without being overwhelmed.

stress relief hypnosis with positive suggestions, hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy near me
  • Adjust your view(s) of the stressful situation(s)

  • More mental clarity

  • Gain an understanding on why you respond this way

  • The ability to cope and change the situation to avoid stressful responses

  • Reduce stress and anxiety and its detrimental effects on your mind and body

  • You'll learn techniques for self hypnosis and relaxation techniques

Benefits of hypnosis

Melbourne hypnotherapy for stress reduction

If you are seeking Melbourne hypnosis services for chronic stress management. Dr. T is a qualified clinical hypnotherapist specialising in issues with stress. With his holistic approach to hypnotherapy, he can help you find the underlying issues behind your condition and give you the mental clarity you need to get through your day.

Things to consider when seeking effective treatment for stress management hypnosis services:

  • While under stressful situations, do you feel yourself becoming more stuck and losing your identity?

  • Is stress affecting your self esteem and making your life more difficult to manage or accept?

  • Can you recognise how it is affecting your health and well being?

In person sessions

Looking for Melbourne stress reduction hypnosis therapy near you?  We offer multiple types of hypnotherapy sessions. From mobile in-home services, or private therapy rooms. All sessions are confidential and private. We ensure a safe space is created so your recovery will begin with a strong foundation to allow for positive changes.

Online hypnotherapy to treat stress

If your preference is to access hypnotherapy services online. We offer virtual online sessions as an alternative method. If you’re looking for assistance, online hypnotherapy from Melbourne Hypnotherapist Dr. T, could be the answer to your mental health conditions you’ve been looking for.

Take advantage of our free 20 minute consultation. Help us understand what you need so we can tailor your hypnotherapy session and make it relevant to you.

Hypnosis Sessions

All hypnosis sessions last for 2 hours. All sessions include an initial consult, hypnosis, and a debrief of everything learned from the hypnosis session. First time hypnosis sessions may extend beyond 2 hours (no extra cost).

It is ideal to discuss over a phone consultation to understand your needs so the session can be tailored toward your preferences, concerns and issues. If I am not available for a phone consult, please send me an email to organise a time to chat.

Fees: $250

Ready to reduce your stress levels?

Contact us.

Ways of contact

  1. Book a time for a free 20 minute phone consultation

  2. Contact me on 0423 000 753

  3. Email me:

For enquiries, bookings, questions about hypnosis. Fill the form below