“What’s keeping you up at night? Are those intrusive thoughts gaining momentum?
Are you expending too much energy worrying about the future?”

Hypnosis for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), serves to overcome the excessive intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviours. It can alleviate the impulses by relaxing the anxious mind of OCD individuals. This will allow the fast beta-brain waves to change into the slower theta brain waves. Resulting in a more focus, calm and balanced conscious mind. In turn this will allow you to explore your subconscious mind and make changes to your OCD behaviours.

OCD is an anxiety disorder. Compared to anxiety, the biggest difference is the obsessive unwanted thoughts (or fears) that lead to repetitive patterns. It can arise from long-term mental health conditions including anxiety, stress or emotionally fuelled events. If left untreated it can cause very unhealthy behaviours and disrupt daily life activities.

Some examples include:

How to distinguish the OCD types:

Here are some questions to consider on what type of OCD you may have.

  • Aggressive or sexual thoughts

    • Are you afraid of harming others?

    • Do you have fear of behaving in a sexually in appropriate way?

  • Harm to others

    • Do you fear of some type of harm will come to loved one?

  • Germs & contamination

    • Are you a compulsive hand washer and/or cleaner

    • Do you avoid environments situations & activities?

  • Doubt & incompleteness

    • Do you have recurring thoughts that a person has not done something correctly

    • Are you a checker, counter, assurer?

  • Sin, religion & morality

    • Do you worry of being immoral or sinner?

  • Order & symmetry

    • Do you ensure objects are in order, arranged or placed in the correct orientation?

  • Self-control

    • Do you have a fear of losing control and doing something inappropriate?

With the overwhelming behaviours that can deplete your time and energy. Hypnosis for anxiety and OCD can assist you to recognise these triggers and be more at peace, and gain courage to exist. Without the intrusive thoughts and beliefs. Reach out to find out more.

Hypnotherapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Don’t Be Afraid Of Your Thoughts & Gain Courage To Exist!

Hypnotherapy works for OCD by altering your consciousness through deep relaxation techniques. While under a hypnotic state, together, we will unveil the root cause of the obsessive behaviour in the subconscious mind. By using regression therapy, we are then able to delve into significant past events that are causing your OCD. This will provide a chance to allow changes in your subconscious minds programming for the benefit of healing your OCD.

The subconscious mind is a very powerful part of your consciousness. It processes 90% of your involuntary actions compared to the conscious mind that is responsible for rationalising and logical thinking. The subconscious stores your beliefs, values, memories and past experiences. It also holds all experiences including those that have been hidden from traumatic experiences and purposely forgotten.

Through these memories and experiences holds and forms the essence of your beliefs and behaviours. Essentially, this is where the biggest fears, limiting beliefs and greatest potential lie.

Treating the OCD at the subconscious level allows us to observe the source of the issues that cause you to act out your compulsive and repetitive symptoms consciously.

When these issues are resolved, it can give you opportunities to create more positive changes in your mindset, so you don't get dragged into a spiral of perceptions and compulsion that don't serve you. With hypnosis treatment, your sense of control and feelings of anxiety will be more manageable giving you the chance to enjoy a better quality of life.

How does hypnotherapy work for OCD?

Once the underlying core issue is released and transformed into positive behaviours and patterns. The benefits of hypnosis therapy can include:

  • Feeling that you don’t need to control everything

  • Gaining an understanding on how the intrusive thoughts started

  • Regaining control of your body and understanding why repetitive actions were getting out of control

  • Feeling safe and knowing that nothing bad will happen to you

  • Feeling the urges, impulses and worries do not have control over you

  • Feeling more confident about yourself and no longer feel the need to keep up your guard

  • No longer feel the need to self-punish

  • Letting go of unhealthy coping mechanisms

Benefits of hypnosis for OCD

obsessive compulsive disorder hypnotherapy near me

Holistic hypnotherapy services

If you are seeking hypnosis treatment for your OCD near Melbourne. Dr. T is a qualified clinical hypnotherapist specialising in impulsive disorders like OCD and is ready to help you stop those debilitating compulsions and repititiveness, and regain control of your life.

Things to consider if you’re seeking hypnosis serves for OCD:

  • Do you imagine the worst when the compulsions come along?

  • Have you thought about changing your perception to overcome those disturbing thoughts?

  • Can you recognise that your worries can dissipate and soften and be revealed for what they truly are?

In person mobile & clinic sessions

Looking for Melbourne OCD hypnosis therapy near you?  We offer multiple types of hypnotherapy sessions. From mobile in-home services, or private therapy rooms. All sessions are confidential and private. We ensure a safe space is created so your recovery will begin with a strong foundation.

OCD clinical hypnotherapy online

If your preference is to access hypnotherapy services for your OCD online. We offer hypnotherapy online sessions as an alternative method. If you’re looking for assistance with your unwanted thoughts and fears. Online hypnotherapy from Melbourne Hypnotherapist, Dr. T, could be the answer you are looking for.

Take advantage of our free 20 minute consultation. Help us understand what you need so we can tailor your hypnotherapy session and make it relevant to you.

Hypnosis fees

All hypnotherapy sessions last for 2 hours. All sessions include an initial consult, hypnosis, and a debrief of everything learned from the session. First time sessions may extend beyond 2 hours (no extra cost).

It is ideal to discuss over a phone consultation to understand your needs so the session can be tailored toward your preferences, concerns and issues. If I am not available for a phone consult, please send me an email to organise a time to chat.

Fees: $250

Ready to let go of the intrusive thoughts, and compulsive behaviour?

Contact us

Ways of contact

  1. Book a time for a free 20 minute phone consultation

  2. Contact me on 0423 000 753

  3. Email me: drthypnotherapy@gmail.com

For enquiries, bookings, questions. Fill the form below