Alcohol Hypnotherapy Services - Help yourself, get on the wagon and quit your binge drinking.

If you’re suffering with alcohol addictions and binge drinking problems. Alcohol hypnotherapy Melbourne can help you realign yourself, and shed those bad coping and escapism habits.

Alcohol consumption is a cultural norm world-wide for millions of people. From social events, celebrations and even competitions. However, it can become dangerous if it is not moderated.

Regular consumption of alcohol can cause harm to your heath. Leading to liver disease, stroke, high blood pressure and digestive issues. Its affects on your brains are not only physical but also emotional. As it can be used as a coping mechanism to prevent pain or a means of escaping from your issues. If left long enough, it can affect your lives and contribute to inappropriate sexual behaviour, predatory behaviour, social pressure, violence, car accidents and even mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

What makes you addicted?

Your addiction to alcohol is essentially due to an inability to control your drinking. What leads you towards alcohol abuse or alcohol use disorder is your physical & emotional dependence.

Physical dependence - Typically, the consumption of alcohol can give you a ‘kick' of excitement from the lack of inhibitions. Or perhaps the relaxed feeling you experience while drinking.

Emotional dependence - You’re drinking because you want to reduce the feelings of anxiety and depression. Or you’re trying to numb out traumatic experiences. Or you’re drinking because of family history and peer pressure.

From a very basic scientific basis, the consumption of alcohol causes the brain to release the hormone dopamine. It contributes to the feeling of pleasure (serotonin, endorphins, & oxytocin, also contribute). It makes you feel good, and increases your cravings for it again.

Dopamine also leads to tolerance. Which means overtime, you stop feeling the effects of alcohol, even though you consume the same volume. So, in essence you need more alcohol to feel the same effects you are use to. This leads to addiction.

Addiction is much more complex than it sounds. As other factors can contribute to addiction, from genetics, epigenetics, childhood trauma, health history and age.

Hypnotherapy for Other Addictions in Melbourne

Do I have a drinking problem?

Some questions to consider to see if you are dependent on alcohol:

  • Does my everyday life revolve around drinking to run away from my internal problems?

  • Am I demonstrating bad habits like hiding my alcoholic drinks?

  • Is my alcohol intake more than the recommended number
    standard drinks to get the same ‘kick'?

  • Do I get defensive when someone talks about my drinking?

  • Do I only attend events with alcohol, and avoid events without?

  • Am I on a daily basis starting to drink at inappropriate times?

  • Do I drink to feel confident and suppress my anxiety?

Maybe you don't know why you drink, but you'd like to find out why? If you're a heavy drinker and looking for clinical hypnotherapy for alcohol abuse in Melbourne. We can help you get rid of that stuck feeling that’s leading to avoidance, escapism, perhaps guilt? Please call to find out more.

How does hypnosis work for alcohol addiction?

Considering the addictiveness of alcohol is driven by physical and emotional needs. Hypnotherapy works by resolving your past experiences associated with your addiction. How do we do that? With relaxation techniques like breathwork, and meditation, we induce a relaxed hypnotic state to access the subconscious mind. It is here we able to explore the emotions and beliefs associated with the alcohol abuse or binge drinking habit.

Using regression therapy, we are then able to delve into significant past events that are causing your drinking habits. This will provide a chance for changes in your subconscious programming for the benefit of healing your dependency on alcohol.

The subconscious is a very powerful part of your consciousness. Processing at least 90% of your involuntary actions compared to the conscious mind that is responsible for rationalising and logical thinking. The subconscious stores your beliefs, values, memories and past experiences. It also holds all experiences including those that have been hidden from traumatic experiences and purposely forgotten.

Through these memories and experiences holds and forms the essence of your beliefs and behaviours. Essentially, this is where your biggest fears, limiting beliefs and greatest potential lie.

By treating the emotions associated with addiction to alcohol in your unconscious mind. You are observing the source of the underlying issues that cause you to act out and over consume alcohol as a coping mechanism. With hypnotic suggestions will then be presented to your unconscious mind to stop your binge behaviours but also your severe alcohol dependence.

Benefits of hypnosis

When you are able to regain control and stop drinking alcohol, many benefits can be observed:

  • Feeling of control to stop the cravings and addictions to drinking

  • Remove the need to drink and run away from your anxieties

  • Understanding of what issues are being avoided.

  • Improved clarity and focus to process thoughts

  • Realisation’s of choices

  • Improved relationships with friends and family

  • Improved confidence and self-esteem

  • Reduced financial burden

  • Reduce risk to other health conditions

The benefits of cognitive and clinical neuroscience, clinical hypnosis and self hypnosis for substance abuse,  alcohol use and other drugs

Alcohol hypnotherapy Melbourne services

If you’re looking for assistance for alcoholism addiction services. Dr. T is a qualified clinical hypnosis therapist that can aid in your addictive behaviour and acquire control over alcohol. Don’t let the addiction take control of you. Allow us to help you release the core issues and bring more time into your life so you can spend it with your loved ones.

Things to consider if you’re looking for a hypnotherapy service:

  • How do you feel about yourself within your relationships?

  • Is your life everything you wanted it to be or is it bringing disappointment?

  • Are you recognising that alcohol impairs judgment and is stopping you from creating a life you really want?

In person mobile & hypnosis clinic sessions

Looking for Melbourne alcohol hypnosis therapy near you?  We offer multiple types of hypnosis sessions. From mobile in-home services, or private therapy rooms. All sessions are confidential and private. We ensure a safe space is created so your recovery will begin with a strong foundation.

Addiction therapy online

If your preference is to access alcohol hypnosis services online. We offer hypnotherapy online sessions as an alternative method. If you’re looking for assistance with your addiction. Online hypnotherapy from Melbourne Hypnotherapist, Dr. T, could be the answer you are looking for.

Alcohol Counselling

Counselling is also part of the hypnosis process to help provide strategies and guide you away from alcoholism. Take advantage of our free 20 minute consultation. Help us understand what you need so we can tailor your hypnotherapy session and make it relevant to you.

Clinical hypnotherapy sessions

All hypnosis sessions last for 2 hours. They always include an initial consult, hypnosis, and a debrief of everything learned from the session. First time sessions may extend beyond 2 hours (no extra cost).

It is ideal to discuss over a phone consultation to understand your needs so the session can be tailored toward your preferences, concerns and issues. If I am not available for a phone consult, please send me an email to organise a time to chat.

Fees: $250

Ready to reduce your alcohol intake?

Contact us

Ways of contact

  1. Book a time for a free 20 minute phone consultation

  2. Contact me on 0423 000 753

  3. Email me:

For enquiries, bookings, questions. Fill the form below