Clinical Hypnotherapy For Eating Disorders Melbourne - Create Better Relationships With Yourself & Food!

Clinical Hypnotherapy for eating disorders focuses on helping you create healthy eating behaviours in Melbourne. In addition to binge-eating disorder, other common eating disorders exist like Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. Additionally, there are some cases where people are fixated on eating healthy food, also known as Orthorexia Nervosa.

If you are suffering from any of these eating disorders. With clinical hypnotherapy we can help you understand your eating habits and create better relationships with food. By tapping into your subconscious mind, we can help you stop the self-sabotaging behaviours, limiting and obsessive beliefs so you can start living a more healthy lifestyle.


Eating disorders like anorexia can be classified as a mental health condition that demonstrates an unhealthy attitudes toward body image and relationship with food. Interestingly, people suffering with Anorexia also struggle with mental illnesses like generalised anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. People with Anorexia Nervosa are often characterised by low weight, restricting foods and body dysmorphia. They also have an intense phobia of being overweight, even though they are in fact underweight. In response to this fear, they will demonstrate compensatory behaviour like over-excessive exercising, purging and laxative use for weight management. 

If this medical condition is not managed it could lead to an array of issues including; sleep disorders, infertility, hypokalaemia, chronic fatigue, low self-esteem and more obsessive behaviours.


Bulimia on the other hand is demonstrated through binge eating, followed by compensatory behaviour like purging and fasting due to their fixation and focus on body weight and body shape. Similar to Anorexia, Bulimia is associated with anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder, and borderline personality disorder. One of the major differences here is that these individuals tend to be normal weight. And due to the lack of food intake control from the binge eating, in an effort to control their weight gain, they will take on water-fasting, over-exercise and even take diuretics and stimulants, 

If untreated similar symptoms will be evident in bulimic individuals, they include: sleep disorders, compulsive disorders, self-harming or suicidal tendencies, hypotension, low self-esteem, 

Eating disorder or disordered eating?

There is a difference between a pattern of disordered eating and a diagnosed eating disorder. This is highly dependent on your obsessive behavioural patterns toward eating and perhaps your personal goals like weight loss or body image. Keep in mind, the distinction between eating disorder and disordered eating is not obvious, so time and understanding is required to fully capitulate what is occurring. Here are some things to consider to see what category you may be under.

Things to consider for disordered eating

Do you:

  • Eat for reasons other than nourishment or hunger

  • partake in chronic dieting (avoid major food groups)?

  • skip meals to manage or restrict your calorie intake?

  • have certain fears or phobias with foods?

  • exhibit lack of control, compensating or obsessive behaviours like selective eating, restricting, fixating or over-exercising?

What about eating disorders?

Things to consider:

  • Have you been clinically diagnosed?

  • Do you exhibit extreme changes in weight?

  • Are there obsessive thoughts associated with body dysmorphia?

  • Do you use purging behaviours like vomiting or use laxitives?

  • Do you suffer from symptoms of anxiety or depression?

  • Are you the type that avoids social occasions that involve eating

If you said yes to any of the above, get in touch with us today. Clinical hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that can help you understand the deeper issues behind your disordered eating or eating disorders are present in your life.

How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment that will help you get to the root of your issue with eating disorders through your subconscious mind. Here you’ll be guided to the subconscious programming for the benefit of healing your disordered patterns of behaviour. In addition to understanding the surface symptomatology of your eating disorder, we’ll also delve into the underlying narrative that led to your dysfunctional habits. This could include investigating your anxiety, depression, lack of self-esteem, obsession with body image and perhaps the need for control.

The subconscious, also known as the unconscious mind is a very powerful part of your consciousness. It processes 90% of your involuntary actions compared to the conscious mind that is responsible for rationalising and logical thinking. The subconscious stores your beliefs, values, memories and past experiences. It also holds all experiences including those that have been hidden from traumatic experiences and purposely forgotten.

Through these memories and experiences holds and forms the essence of your beliefs and behaviours. Essentially, this is where the biggest fears, limiting beliefs and greatest potential lie.

By treating the issue behind over eating at the subconscious level, we are observing the source of the issues that cause you to act out your dysfunctional eating habits and patterns.

Following the resolution of your patterns revolving around eating disorder. This will provide an opportunity to replace those patterns. WIth hypnotic suggestion, this will allow new life long habits to be created, giving you self-control and discipline and have a more positive relationship toward yourself. This will ideally steer you away from your focus on body weight, body dissatisfaction, and lead to a more healthy lifestyle.

Once we unlock the source of the eating disorder in the subconscious mind. The limiting beliefs behind the eating will subside and replaced with more positive and healthier behaviours. It will provide benefits including:

  • More control over the amounts of food you consume

  • Eat when your hungry and stop when you're satisfied

  • Stop bad habits like restricting or limiting foods

  • Gain an understanding of your relationship with food

  • Gain more confidence in yourself and your body shape and image

  • Understand how mental health issues like stress and anxiety can lead to addicting behaviour

  • A positive mindset to allow change to be acceptable in your life.

Benefits of hypnosis

local Melbourne eating disorder hypnotherapy close by

Melbourne clinical hypnosis services

Are you looking for an alternative therapy like hypnosis that can help you with your eating disorder? Dr. T is a qualified clinical hypnotherapist specialising in disordered eating and eating disorders. With his holistic approach with hypnotherapy, he can help you find the underlying issue behind your eating behaviours. Additionally, he can help you break your habitual eating habits effectively.

Things to consider when seeking holistic hypnotherapy services to help with you weight loss issues:

  • Do you attempt to control your life by denying, limiting, or obsessing on what/how you eat?

  • Is your weight, or body image leading to self-criticism guilt or self-sabotage?

  • Are you recognising the self-made obstacles or limiting beliefs are impairing your health and well being?

In person mobile & clinic sessions

Looking for Melbourne eating disorder hypnotherapy near you?  We offer multiple types of hypnotherapy sessions. From mobile in-home services, or in-person sessions at a dedicated hypnotherapy clinic and wellness HQ. All sessions are confidential and private. We ensure a safe space is created so your recovery will begin with a strong foundation.

Hypnotherapy online sessions

If your preference is to access hypnotherapy services for your eating disorders online. We offer hypnotherapy online sessions as an alternative method. If you’re looking for assistance with your disordered eating. Online hypnotherapy from Melbourne Hypnotherapist, Dr. T, could be the answer you are looking for.

Take advantage of our free 20 minute consultation. Help us understand what you need so we can tailor your hypnotherapy session and make it relevant to you.

Session fees

All hypnotherapy sessions last for 2 hours. All sessions include an initial consult, hypnosis, and a debrief of everything learned from the session. First time sessions may extend beyond 2 hours (no extra cost).

It is ideal to discuss over a phone consultation to understand your needs so the session can be tailored toward your preferences, concerns and issues. If I am not available for a phone consult, please send me an email to organise a time to chat.

Fees: $250

Ready to start eating healthy?

Contact us.

Ways of contact

  1. Book a time for a free 20 minute phone consultation

  2. Contact me on 0423 000 753

  3. Email me:

For enquiries, bookings, questions. Fill the contact form below