Hypnotherapy for Phobias Melbourne - Overcome Your Fears & Live Again!

Hypnotherapy for phobias serves to alleviate your extremely anxious responses and irrational fear of subjects, activities and situations.

Phobias are typically associated from mental health conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety disorders. They can occur at any age (even from early childhood) and can affect your quality of life and limit your daily activities. Some of the most common phobias include; a fear of flying, fear of dentists, fear of snakes, social phobia, fear of animals, fear of enclosed spaces and needle phobia. The good news is that hypnosis is an effective treatment for most phobias and other irrational fears.

When exposed or triggered by real danger, your body will typically promote the fight or flight response. The common symptoms during these situations are the experiencing of intense fear, feelings of anxiety, panic attack, stress or extreme levels of hyperventilation. It's also very likely you'll do anything to avoid the source of the specific phobia, which can really affect your daily life activities.

Common phobias & irrational fears

Here are some common phobias you may be experiencing or are aware of:

  • trypanophobia (fear of needles)

  • acrophobia (fear of heights),

  • aerophobia (flying fear),

  • agoraphobia (fear of open spaces & losing control),

  • arachnophobia (fear of spiders),

  • claustrophobia (fear of enclosed and confined spaces),

  • necrophobia (fear of death) and

  • social phobia (fear of judgement & criticism).

  • glossophobia (public speaking fear)

  • cynophobia (fear of dogs)

  • nyctophobia (fear of darkness)

  • hemophobia (fear of blood)

  • ornithophobia (fear of birds)

  • amaxophobia (fear of driving)

  • nosocomephobia (fear of hospitals)

Many of the limiting beliefs that stem from these extreme fears relate to a lack of trust within yourself. With hypnotherapy, we can help you regain your trust and faith, enabling you to see potential and opportunity for positive change. Reach out to find out more.

How does hypnotherapy work for phobias

Typically phobias are caused by negative experiences that lead to beliefs and the resulting feeling of fear. Hypnotherapy works for phobias by uncovering the root cause of the fear through the subconscious mind. By using regression therapy, we are then able to delve into significant past events that may have caused your specific phobia(s). This will will provide a chance for changes in your subconscious programming for the benefit of healing your fatigue issues.

The subconscious is a very powerful part of your consciousness. It processes 90% of your involuntary actions compared to the conscious mind that is responsible for rationalising and logical thinking. The subconscious stores your beliefs, values, memories and past experiences. It also holds all experiences including those that have been hidden from traumatic experiences and purposely forgotten.

Through these memories and experiences holds and forms the essence of your beliefs and behaviours. Essentially, this is where the biggest fears, limiting beliefs and greatest potential lie.

By treating the fears in your unconscious mind. We are observing the root cause of the issues that cause you to feel unsafe and fearful in traumatic situations. This will allow you to understand why these fears exist, control your emotional responses and replace them with healthier behaviours. With hypnotic suggestion, this will allow new life long habits to be created in your unconscious mind, and cultivating confidence and emotional control. Giving you a peace of mind, that you can steer yourself away from phobic responses of severe anxiety, unrealistic fear and panic attacks.

Once we unlock the source of the specific phobia in the subconscious mind. The limiting beliefs behind the fears will subside and replaced with more positive and healthier behaviours. It will provide benefits for:

  • Feeling of safety and control

  • Release the underlying feelings of fear

  • Feel more relaxed, unbothered and calm

  • Feel more at ease and less distressed

  • More mental clarity, reduced negative thoughts

  • Less avoidance behaviours

  • Gain more self-confidence and trust

  • Unlearn the fear response and forget about the issue

  • Live freely without burdens and fears.

Benefits of clinical hypnosis for phobias

benefits hypnosis for fear of public speaking, spiders, germs and heights

Holistic clinical hypnotherapy services

If you are looking for help to overcome this problem. Dr. T is a qualified clinical hypnotherapist specialising in fears and phobias. With his holistic approach with hypnotherapy, he can help you find the underlying issues behind your fears that are causing you harm. Giving you courage to overcome those fear, and improving your overall quality of life.

Some things to consider when looking for hypnosis services for phobias:

  • Are your fears creating a lack of belief in your abilities?

  • Are you suffering from common phobias like fear of flying, fear of heights, fear of public speaking?

  • Do you feel there is a never-ending spiral of trouble that cannot be changed?

  • Can you recognise that having trust and faith can inspire you to seek a resolution?

In person clinical hypnosis sessions

Looking for Melbourne hypnosis therapy near you?  We offer multiple types of hypnotherapy sessions. From mobile in-home services, or private therapy rooms. All sessions are confidential and private. We ensure a safe space is created so your recovery will begin with a strong foundation.

Online hypnotherapy treatment of phobias

If your preference is to access hypnotherapy services for your fears and phobias online. We offer hypnotherapy online sessions as an alternative method. If you’re looking for assistance with a particular phobia. Online hypnotherapy from Melbourne Hypnotherapist, Dr. T, could be the answer you are looking for.

Take advantage of our free 20 minute consultation. Help us understand what you need so we can tailor your hypnotherapy session and make it relevant to you.


All hypnotherapy sessions last for 2 hours. All sessions include an initial consult, hypnosis, and a debrief of everything learned from the session. Your first session may extend beyond 2 hours (no extra cost).

It is ideal to discuss over a phone consultation to understand your needs so the session can be tailored toward your preferences, concerns and issues. If I am not available for a phone consult, please send me an email to organise a time to chat.

Fees: $250

Ready to start believing in you?

Contact Details.

Ways of contact:

  1. Book a time for a free 20 minute phone consultation

  2. Contact me on 0423 000 753

  3. Email me: drthypnotherapy@gmail.com

For enquiries, bookings, questions. Fill the contact form below